Fantom Opera
Tickers: Olive Token
Contract address: 0xa9937092c4e2b0277c16802cc8778d252854688a
Chain: Fantom Opera
MasterChef address: 0xC90812E4502D7848E58e53753cA397A201f2e99B
Tx Ownership to MasterChef:
Emission rate:
1 Olive per block
9,09% will be sent to the developer’s address for further partnership & developer funds.
Fair launch
Farming will start at block 16690000 Date: Wed Sep 08 2021 18:06:23 GMT+0000
Before farming starts, you can deposit to farming pools, but no rewards until launch
There is No pre-sale.
Dev will pre-mint only 2 Olive for liquidity, it’s fair for not holding much Tokens in Dev’s hand.
Site: Pair Name (reward multiplier) 🌳fOLIVE/FTM (x40) 🌳fOLIVE/USDC (x8) 🍄USDC/FTM (x2) 🍄BOO/FTM (x2) 🍄fUSDT/USDC (x1)
🔐Safety and Audit
We chose to fork Pancakes’s contracts for our base protocol since they have stood the test of time. This will allow our users to interpret the integrity/security of our protocol easily. Simply compare our deployed contracts with Pancakes’s repository so anyone with an understanding of solidity will be able to look through the code, compare Pancakes and OliveSwap side-by-side, and conclude that OliveSwap is safe.
Last updated
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