Binance Smart Chain

Tickers: Olive Token

Contract address: 0x617724974218A18769020A70162165A539c07E8a

Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

MasterChef address: 0xD92bc4Afc7775FF052Cdac90352c39Cb6a455900

Tx Ownership to MasterChef:

Emission rate:

1 Olive per block

9,09% will be sent to the developer’s address for further partnership & developer funds.

Fair launch

  1. Farming will start at block #6188888 Date: Thu Apr 01 2021 20:30:17 GMT+08

  2. Before farming starts, you can deposit to farming pools, but no rewards until launch

  3. There is No pre-sale.

  4. Dev will pre-mint only 2 Olive for liquidity, it’s fair for not holding much Tokens in Dev’s hand.

Last updated

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